Frequently Asked Questions

1. What products does Dazzo offer?

Dazzo specializes in household and personal cleaning products.

2. What are the formulations used in Dazzo products?

Dazzo products are formulated with powerful cleaning solutions that effortlessly tackle dirt and grime. Our specially formulated formulas ensure effective cleaning while also protecting surfaces and fabrics from future wear and tear.

3. How long does delivery take?

Delivery typically takes 1-3 days from the date of purchase. Please note that delivery times may vary depending on your location.

4. When will Dazzo Green go live?

Dazzo Green, our collection of fully eco-friendly hygiene products, is expected to go live in 6 months. Stay tuned for updates!

5. What is Dazzo Green?

Dazzo Green is a collection of fully eco-friendly hygiene products. These products are designed to provide effective cleaning solutions while minimizing their impact on the environment.

6. What is Nirmal Sahayata?

Nirmal Sahayata is our commitment to providing assistance to underprivileged people by providing free hygiene products. For more info: Nirmal Sahayata 

7. Can I pay Cash on Delivery?

Yes, we offer Cash on Delivery as a payment option. However, please note that there may be a small additional cost associated with this payment method.

8. How efficient are Dazzo products?

Dazzo products are highly efficient in tackling dirt and grime. Our specially formulated formulas ensure effective cleaning, leaving your surfaces and fabrics hygienic and sparkling.

9. What technologies are used in Dazzo products?

Dazzo products are developed using advanced cleaning technologies. These technologies enhance the cleaning power of our products, ensuring optimal results.

10. How can I contact Dazzo for further assistance?

You can reach out to our customer support team by emailing or by filling out the contact form on our website. We strive to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours.

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